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About 95% of Florida women who have caesareans will deliver subsequent babies that way. Most doctors and hospitals refuse to perform “vaginal birth after casesarians” or VBAC, calming that the stress can produce uterine rupture, a complication actually reported in less than 1 percent of births. 


Cesarean section is a major surgical procedure that increases the likelihood of any types of harm for mothers and babies in comparison with vaginal birth. Short-term harms for mothers include increased risk of unintended surgical cuts, infection, and blood clots emergency hysterectomy, going back into the hospital, a challenging recovery, and death. 

Babies born by cesarean section are more likely to have breathing problems and to develop several chronic diseases: Childhood0-onset diabetes, allergies with cold-like symptoms, and asthma in childhood and beyond.

Perhaps due to the common surgical side effect of scarring and “adhesion” formation, cesarean mothers are more likely to have ongoing pelvic pain and to have infertility in the future.

Of special concern after cesarean  are various serious conditions for mothers and babies that are more likely in future pregnancies. For mothers these include ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, placenta accrete, placental abruption, emergency hysterectomy, and uterine rupture. 

Babies in future pregnancies are more likely to need breathing help and have extended hospital stays.

Preliminary research suggests that much other harm is more likely with cesarean section and more studies are needed. 

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Many health professionals are feeling squeezed by tightened payments for services and increasing practice expenses

The flat “global fee” method of paying for childbirth does not provide any extra pay for providers who patiently support a longer vaginal birth.

Even when payment is similar for both, a planned cesarean section is an especially efficient way tfor professional to organize their hospital work, office work and personal life.

Average hospital payments are much greater for cesarean than vaginal birth and may offer hospital greater scope of profit.

Too many South Florida babies are being delivered by cesarean section, according to new state figures.

While the national average is 31.8% of births done by C-section, 43% of births in Broward county, 44% in Palm Beach County and over 60%  of births in Miami Date County. Hialeah Hospital in South Florida have a C-section rate of 68 percent. Also, half of he births at Holy Cross in Fort Lauderdale and Palms West Hospital in Loxahatchee were by C-section.